Maternity Photographer Seattle | Knowing Better

Picture of Tilly



“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” – Maya Angelou

 I read this recently and thought, “Well that makes sense.” We are all doing the best we can until we learn that we could be doing better. We have the freedom to change our minds and our plans the moment we realize something does not fit quite right.
What I appreciate about Maya’s wisdom is she’s offering us grace. Just like a toddler running into the street after a ball, sometimes we just don’t know any better.  We are all just doing our best with the knowledge we have at the moment. We should, like the quote, offer ourselves grace and do not look back at our past in dismay but in honor of who we were in those moments. Be graceful to your past self.
This quote also calls us to action. When we do finally figure it out, we need to do better.
The past 14 months have felt like I have been standing on the edge of a cliff. The wind was blowing all around me while my eyes were closed because I was too scared to open my eyes to see what was required of me and learn what was necessary to leap forward. Opening my eyes meant I would finally know better. If I know better, if my eyes are opened to the knowledge before, I will have no choice but to take action.  I will be forced to jump. The cliff may be uncomfortable, but it has been holding me up for so long.
What have you been putting off that you know would call you to action? What holds you back from being your happiest? The fear of, perhaps, this is as good as it gets?
You are not alone.
I had the honor of providing Maternity Photography for a couple whom could not have been more fun. We spent some time at their home for this Over the Rainbow Maternity Session and then ventured over to Georgetown.

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